Check Out the Simple Ways to Fix Google Search Bar not Working Issue
Google is one of the prominent names in the field of technology especially when it comes to providing internet related services. However, there are times when some users encounter a few issues with its services. And one such common issue includes Google search bar not working on iPhone. Fortunately, one can easily fix this issue in time by following the simple solutions provided in this article.
Ways to fix Google search bar not responding issue
To fix this issue instantly, it is suggested to the users to check the internet connection as most of the times this issue occurs because of the connectivity issue.
Besides, one can simply restart their device to fix this issue quickly and in time.
Further, the user can also clear the cache and trash files to fix this issue in time.
Another reason for the Google search bar not working issue can be because of the DNS settings. Hence, to fix this issue in time, it is recommended to the users to make required changes in the DNS settings.
Hence, these were the few simple solutions that one can try to fix Google search bar not working issue. However, if the issue persists, the user can feel free to contact support and seek assistance to resolve this issue in time.